Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Learn to Play Badminton

Having a lousy hand-eye coordination means there are many things in life that I'm absolutely crap at:

- Badminton
- Darts
- Archery
- Pool/snooker/billiard
- Basketball
- Bowling
- Driving

and that's to name a few.

I'm sure I can improve on these little areas of my life by putting in a bit more practice, but the need never arose for me to be good at any of it, so I didn't bother.

The only time I had a go at badminton was when I was about 12. My mom tried to teach me, but after two sessions she said, "Forget it." So I forgot about it.

In 2017, my partner continued where my mom left off. We were both trying to get fit, and apart from jogging, swimming, and climbing up stairs, we figured badminton would be a fun and low-impact activity to help us burn more calories. But first, she had to teach me how to play. We bought rackets and shuttlecocks at the RM5 store.

It took some time and a lot of patience on her part.

Here's the result: