Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Fly on A Trapeze

2015: My colleagues and I went to Escape obstacle theme park in Penang. They had a lot of monkey bars and balance beams, also bungee jumping and thrill rides. But all we had time for was ziplining, some tree-climbing, flying on a trapeze, going down a slide on a tube, and finding our way out of a cave maze. The place was overcrowded because of the school holidays, and there was this group of kids having their graduation party or something. There was one ride that we queued for almost an hour only to give up on because we had to be at our hostel before dark.

Flying on the trapeze was nothing short of terrifying. First of all, you had to climb up to the little station at the top, which was where you were supposed to take off. The climb itself was scary because the ladder wobbled really bad. It was either the ladder or my knees, I wasn't too sure. Once you were up there, an assistant would take your hand, make sure your cords and hooks and braces were secure, help you chalk your hands, and then guide you to the trapeze. The space you had to stand on was less than a feet wide and you had to bend over to grab hold of the trapeze bar. Of course there was a safety net, but you were still many feet above the ground, and you had an audience watching and waiting for their turns. Once you had held on the bar securely, the assistant would give you a little push, and off you go! There was another assistant who gave instructions from below.

So anyway, I managed to hook my legs up over the bar, a stunt attempted by many and achieved by few. People clapped, so it was a rather proud moment for me.